A Night To Remember

When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place.

No one can help me this time..

not in academic..aiks

My legs are cramp,and its really exhausted,
I plan to sleep until afternoon but then my daddy ask me wake up to eat breakfast..
because I today 4 am only go back home from work,
Well,yesterday i go to my working place at 2pm as they told us go earlier,
but then after i go there,I was so boring and look at those boss busy doing things,
and I just sit at the sofa,looking innocent at them,
Don't know why I'm just don't like myself doing nothing,not
comfortable with that,

Luckily miss chan bring me to jusco before i work,to buy
another green t shirt,
if not i sure let me colleague laugh at me,
because my shirt that i wear previously was so childish,
I don't have any green shirt,even that
I plan to wear my daddy shirt,
luckily my sister told me,it looks ugly when i wear it !!

after that ah bear fetch me to lost world,
and again we have waited there for few hours until 6 pm,ima
gine that 4 hours we were doing nothing,is that boring??hahaha..
nicole ,ah bear, kar yan and I just loitering around lost world,
then around 6pm,all the bikini models havejust reached lost world,
we were astonished and a little excited,haha..
however i don't think all 50++ models are pretty at all,
because their make up make them looks mature enough like 30++ years old..
I heard some of the uncles talking yellow things about bikini models..
the worker is setting up for the main entrance..

At night,alot problem occur when i set up
my beer counter,
some of my counter carlsberg promoters were confused when our c
ounter surrounded by crowded..
fortunately I calm down and control the situation again..
I crash my head when i carry ice from the truck and its hurt !!
not sure whether my eye will swollen or not..my spectacle have to repair..
can you see the red packet?that packet contain 5 carlsberg and it cost rm65 !!
one carlsberg cost rm15,expensive right?
but mostly those who join beach party is rich..
bikini models at my counter there,i dare not to approach them..hahaha

when everything settle,
I start to loiter ,around 4000++ enter this beach party yesterday,
and it was hot and cool,girls wearing bikini and guy showing their muscular body..
dance crazily at the beach especially hitz.fm deejay can play the music..
If I didn't work,I think this is a cool beach party !!
work until almost 4am ,we only dismiss from work..earn money really hard..
sleepy ZzZzzz

Yesterday suddenly a message from miss ha,
there is an offer for working at lost world tambun for the beach party..
And the salary is rm100 ?!? work from 6pm until midnight 2am..
when I see the rm 100 work for only one day,
I admit I was a little bit of excited but I'm don't know whether I
'm qualify for the job,
since I'm not handsome,neither tall nor muscular body..
then i get to know that nicole also going,
hahaha,she also wondering whether she need to wear bikini to work,
because we don't even know what's that job is..
so i fetch nicole and her friend to the place for briefing,
and the senior brothers take us to lost world of tambun for letting u
s know what's our duty,
we didn't even eat dinner then stay there for few hours,
of course luckily i drive to there,
after finish discuss everything,we can straight leave lost world..hehe..
so those who are going to beach party held at lostworld,hope to see you guys at there,
I'm duty at beer counter,im not bartender of course..hahaha..

can you see there is water shoot out?
this is the newly built hotspring at lost world.
Its cool when rinsed your body into the hot spring during the cool night~

Holiday going to start soon ler..
and I get my terrible exam result,
a lot mistakes,
this holiday is the important key for whether I can score good result in stpm or not...
I have lost a lot attention in my study,
due to my family problem..
hope everything will be better tomorrow...
Just back from library,
the electric supply to school library always not functioning,
and I sweat alot today because me and my friends still continue to do homework
although there is no electric supply,we rely on the natural resourses that is sunlight..hahaha..

If you feel like want happy then don't read my blog post please..
The first blog post until today already have about 1 year and 8 months,
I can say that my blog can be funny,can be cute,can sometime write something interesting,
but there is one thing never changed,
that is my blog still full of sadness,
the small phrase at the bottom of each post...
this kind of feelings when I open my blog will never leave me,
Many people called me faker,actually I know that is true, I
because I never tell everyone the truth and genuine things,
I avoid the topic by saying other things,
I hide it in my heart,nobody know what am I thinking,
Sometime I do helpless too,I seems like come to d endCANof the road because I forced myself too hard..
I don't know what to do,what to account,and I choose express it to myself during night time,
I can't change my weakness ,think too much,i tried a lot efforts to change it by buying alot alot books whenever i go to bookstore,
but its still effortless..
I'm not a real man,now I only know I'm not tough in SMILE the real life,
I just become like a normal girl,
choose to express it in another ways when i encounter problem..
I intend to do something that prohibited me to do that things..
Why I just can't be that understanding?
Why I have to face this cruel and precious time aBECAUSE
tick tock tick tock~time passed 1,2 ,3,4,.......seconds just take everything from me,
no wonder so many people said that TIME IS CRUEL..
I have to face it again ...face everything tat is cruel..
when I will be awake from this dream???
Why I can't accept those cruel word??
why say regret???alot why....... ........OF YOU,MY FRIENDS

I think I will not online for these few months,
because my line gonna be cut soon,
Just finish stpm trial,its tougher than i expected especially chemistry paper,
I was shivering there when I have insufficient time to complete it,
and I blank the whole page,because I was too nervous until I can't think properly what's the chemical reaction..
that's the reason for why I had nightmare continuously for these few days,
so frightened during midnight,
two big eyes blinking and looking to the ceiling,
can't sleep..............................................................................................

I hope I can be understanding all the time,
I need it,I really need it!!!

Parents day today,
already 11 years my parents take exam report card at school,
as well as this upper six year too,haha..
Just receive MUET result slip,
the grade is band 4 ,so relieved as I don't need to resit the test again..
but the grade is lower band 4,prove that my english is really terrible..
I didn't blog since long time ago,
and I guess is because stpm exam is approaching ,
I feel lazy to update it,just depend on the mood..
I don't want the time for stpm examination become nearer and nearer to me,
not because I'm not prepare for it,is because I don't want separate with all my friends..
For sure we all will go to different places to pursue study again..
However,I have to accept the realistic,
everyone will have to separate one day....

Hope to be perfect,
but making the situation becoming worse..

天秤座(Libra) 优雅的天平在灯红酒绿中微笑转身,顾盼神采,洒脱如同水中的鱼。他们与红酒,水晶杯,晚礼服,钢琴曲是那么的相得益彰,漫不经意的吸引着公众的眼光……
几乎所有人都有这样一种印象: 天平座的人善意、可亲,爱交朋友。于是大家也由此认为天平是群居生物,必然是害怕独处,喜欢热闹的。 但,事实并不是表面看来那样简单。 的确,天平是个和平使者。在公众场合可以很好地调节气氛使之均衡。气氛热烈时,他们会沉静的压住阵脚;气氛冷凝时,他们会运用不着痕迹的轻松幽默化解坚冰。总之他们不会随波逐流去助长气氛的冷热,而是像用天平称量物品一样,加减砝码,使之维持水平状态。 而他们在做这种加减的时候,动作是优雅的,态度是和悦的,看起来漫不经心不动声色。实际上,他们是很有心计的人,尽管众口难调,也可以找到一种万全的方式来使全局和谐起来。 但是这并不是说他们喜欢主宰,只是因为他们看不得失衡,那会使他们如坐针毡。 因此,尽管慵懒的天平座讨厌麻烦,讨厌得要命,他们还是会不由自主地担负起调节的责任。也许正因如此,使得天平在公众场合从未放松过自己。性格使他们承担了不必要的责任,无可推卸。 他们不吝惜金钱,却吝惜自由的时间和安静的休闲时光。像所有风向星座一样,他们喜欢自由,喜欢像风一样谁也捉不住他。 他们喜欢自在独立的空间。就算你是他最好的朋友,也不要老和他粘在一起,你要知道他并不喜欢如此,尽管他不会直接说出来。你也得相信,你的天平座朋友也许半年也没有音信,但是只要一见面,你还是他最好的朋友。因为他就是这种交友方式,你拿他怎么办? '我懒得……' 这是天平座的口头语。他们懒得出门,懒得聚会,懒得应酬……所以他们并不是很喜欢参加party。倒是宁愿呆在家里上网,看书,画画。他们自身是均衡的,一个人的均衡总比一群人的均衡来的容易。所以他们喜欢独处。 通常,天平座的人会给人一见如故的感觉,因为他们有着温婉的微笑和优雅的举止。对初次见面的人,天平座往往表现出自己最讨人喜欢的一面:善解人意,大方,诚恳,健谈。但是这种热情劲儿不会长久。冷漠何时到来取决于你与他交往的频率。你越是粘得紧,他就冷得越快。因为他们喜欢'君子之交清淡如水'。不是他们不喜欢同伴,而是他们和人交往更多地关注了对方的情绪,总想着照顾对方心情,不要发生冲突,所以感觉像是在工作一样,无法真正的放松。 较之对宫白羊座,天平是另一种独立的个体。白羊是一种外在的独立,内心是热的;天平则是表面看似亲和力很强,内心却是任谁也无法融入的。天平的冷静,连他们自己也觉得惊讶。'我居然如此冷漠!太不可思议了……'他们审视自己的时候,感觉有点陌生。那是因为他们把内心世界掩饰得连自己都骗过了。 他们控制情绪的能力太强了。最亲近的人会感觉到,天平给人不露声色的隔离感,有时会被埋怨'太冷静了,我都不知道你在想什么!' 可是他们不是故意要隐瞒什么,只是出于本能。一个连自己都骗过了的人,你还能要求他对你坦白什么? 他们不喜欢歇斯底里,不喜欢痛哭失声,不喜欢安慰别人也不怎么喜欢被安慰。因为他们懂得,谁也无法真正理解另一个人。 天平,其实是很独立的一个星座。他们在霓虹灯影里微笑,在灯火阑珊处寂寞。他们叫你懂得:孤独的最高境界是繁华。

haven read it yet..hahaha ^^


Went to lostworld with usst-ian..
before we enter......
our hands !!
I think all the hands above right now sure become very dark,
especially me !!
there is a region on my hand there
that can obviously differentiate the dark and fair part..
but I guess,even if I become darker,also nobody
will realise it..Is it?
Me and Xuxu injured on that day..
but not a serious wound I guess,
so funny when i enter the first aid room,
nobody incharge there,
then the person who guide me there just so nervous when he saw my wound,
then i told him calm down,
I'm a first aider..lol...

Still left half year for the form six life,
thanks to USST for enlighten my life too !!

After lost world,we went to Kon Shong for dinner..
steamboat as we didn't plan before,
I ate until my tummy so big and round in shape,
everyone looking at my tummy,I feel SHY !!hahaha..
I take 20 mins to walk around,before I drive,
so that I can digest,its really very full,couldn't speak at all..
Lol,this holiday I eat nonstop,
everyone please called me FEI LOU !!
then i will automatically go keep fit..hahaha..

the first day of my holiday to exercise,
I go jogging at pologround..
helping my friend who so big size to diet too !!wakakkaa..
feel comfortable as I sweat a lot !!
hope all the food that I eat could digest through sweat..haha..
then night go out watch football match with kee min and kok wan..
germany lose !!!
so many "cold door " match for this fifa held at south african..
like so fake..

good luck to my friends who graduate from matriculation,
and soon pursue their study at IPTA..
some are doctors,dentist,accountacy..
hope they strive hard for future as well as me..hehehe..

Yesterday visit paparich,its such a nice place,
I never expect that the building is so stylish,
the environment and atmosphere is different with typical ipoh building style..hahaha
Well,taste different food at there,especially the tuitti fruitti frozen yogurt..
taste good !! but the price "aheemm aahemm"..
having "auntie" behaviour when I choose the topping,
scare it will over budget..hahaha..
then movie with sing K today...
its seems that this two weeks really make me enjoying this holiday,
my holiday mode just started but then schooling day no longer will begin..
I forget all my aims...
before i get back to my track,
let me enjoy one more day that is tomorrow i will go to LOST WORLD with USST-ian...

OMG !! Spain lost to Switzerland??
I think this is an unexpected game,
and I believe those people who bet sure lose a lot money..

Am I good to handle everything?
I admit I feel uncomfortable when I view it,
but I'm sure everything will be fine soon,
tan ter wei so strong,won't defeat so easily.LOL

It's my first time to wear contact lens today,
It was terrible I guess !!!

My sister took some contact lens sample back from her work,
since she's promoting for focus point contact lens,
therefore I'm quite curious about that,
wondering will I look different when i put on contact lens,
suddenly "Fatt Hao" er me..
My sister demonstrate to me the way on how to wear contact lens for N times !!
but I still couldn't put it on,and let my sister scold that my eyes so small..
when I successfully wear it,I feel that wear spectacles is better,haha
so I quickly ask my sis teach me to take it off,
Its really horrible,
I have spend one and half hour to take it off !!!
the contact lens just like stick on my eyes ball,
when I use my finger press it hardly on the contact lens,
It still stick on my eyes,
feel like wanna cry on that time,lol,
because my whole left eyes become as RED as blood on that time..
keep on dripping out of water..
On that time,I suddenly remember ng yi lin told me that my sister's promoting contact lens product is good but its hard to take it off !!
My sister still told me,if I can't take it off,
I have to go Focus Point ask for their help,
I feel that "errmm,its seems so embarassed!!"
until the time I use all my energy to scratch the contact lens out,
I can feel that my eyes ball relieve,
and I quickly throw the broken contact lens,
not sure of how it break,but I just know I'm phobia of contact lens..
Am I useless??hahaha..


Well,I back from the church camp,
and hugging my lovely pillow right now..
No doubt that I'm old,
not as energetic like previous time..
No more passionate to join camp..
Actually this church camp isn't like normal physical training camp that I joined,
however I truly felt tired,just a normal obstacle game could take off my spirit,
and surrender hope I can go home as soon as possible on the first day..
This camp is really differ with the camp that I joined..
I'm not christian,and i followed groupmates to pray,
and even I learn how to pray for others,and say "LORD" "AMEN".
I only could say that everyone there having a strong belief in GOD..
the speaker told us to pray whenever you face problem or need something,
and must be specific..
perhaps,I'm not christian,that's why I feel I'm abit strange and weird among them.
(doesn't mean to offend other religion ya !!)

Indeed the camp activities quite good and challenging,
that is night trekking and stream trotting,
I have been told to guide an aunty called aunty placida along the night hike and stream trotting..
My shoe is so slippery,always fall down
but then I still pretend infront of the aunty,that I'm strong and fine,ask her to be careful !!
wakakaka..make her think that I'm the right person to protect her..and my mission completed..
she appreciate me much!!( I guess lar)haha..
The things I'm not satisfied is my SHOE!!
other campers bought the disposable shoe earlier before the camp,
whereas me,xinyi and waihung don't even know it..
therefore we wear our sport shoe play games,climb hill,walk on the river..
the shoes are wet everytime finish the activities,
We don't have enough time to dry our shoe,then we need wear it for another programmes,
of course I admit that my shoe is SMELLY and DISGUSTING !!

Instead,I prefer the stream trotting !!
we have walk quite a long journey to reach the hill,
then we climb up,and walk on the river,
honestly its quite dangerous,especially for girls,
the stones are wet and easily to fall down whenever someone step on it..
and I have experienced it when I step on the stone full of algae,
Its worth that all the pain gained with our joy..

There is an incident makes me astonished and stunned at instant,
It happened just infront of my eyes..
I blame myself for not agile enough to hold it tightly..
and my feeling really indescribable..
I will not let it be my nightmare because I will make sure its still be with me all the time..

SUFES campsite

From the day I want to leave the camp until I enjoy this camp,
our life is to be like that,we might encounter problem initially,
but if we could spend the time to think what's the problem,
and solve it out,then everything will be fine,
Am I really understand this statement?

I'm trying.........

Going camp tomorrow..
Have been a long time that I didn't join camp,
still remember last time I train myself until very fit before i join any camp,
but then now all my muscle "lam pek pek " jor..haha..
not sure what activities of the camp,
I think is church camp..

If I could correct my bad behaviour,is that good?
I really try my best,really really really really really !!!
but why the result still be like that???
and the worst is the time i receive my result,
not just only depressed that simple..
I'm not the one who want to be like that,
all the things that observe may different with the facts..
I just can't stop myself from behaving badly,
I'm just so helpless sometime alone in a single room..
I change to another person because of the test..
Anyone in this world is perfect??
without facing any problems in all aspects,
I would like meet him/her because I don't want to fail it and the things that I opt for..
Can the person come and help me??

happy all the time when nothing happen..
But when thing's come,I'm just not like myself again,
scare to get involve in trouble..
Gotong Royong tomorrow...weee~~~







First time I wrote in chinese,
because i felt guilty to everyone,
especially the FAT one..sorry !!

so funny the response from my friends after my haircut..
What if I cut botak?

I feel so hard to suppress my feelings..
never be it before..
shivering and looking at my foot..
Am I deserve to do that?I should be rational ~
Prepare myself for tomorrow pologround 'merentas desa'
hope I wont muscle pain ya..hehe

No doubt a person who is too greedy,
the person will faced a lot consequences..
Does greedy commit a crime??
Could I fullfill my satisfaction?..
but I just can't control my greediness..
I don't want to be a trouble-maker..
I swear I would be a good boy and good student!!

Do actor happy always?
He does make others elated,
indeed the actor himself feel suffer whenever he try to act perfectly infront of public..
so that he could give a good impression..
Is this the fate of actor?of being actor?
or the mental illness of the actor himself?
I doubt,maybe the answer is yes,
if the actor don't have this mentally illness of desperate to be actor,
he might get a better career and life..
Who will bother what will happen next on you when you act?...
Who will know your expression when you trying to pretend?..
Who cares??
Its hard to pretend sometime even for top actor in the world would encounter failure too..
I don't know what I'm trying to write,
so please say 'cheese' to me,smile together ya ^ ^

Everyone's blog is about blood donation..
I donated my precious blood too..
But don't know why I only donate 400ml since all my friends donate 450ml,
I guess i'm too thin..wakakaka..
Its my first time experience,
the feeling so nice when you know you may help someone in the future..
I will donate the next time,
Everyone having their first time blood donation yesterday,
it's so funny when some of my friends hold their other friend's hand tightly when the needle approach their hand..
Even my friend is a guy..lol..
some of them boldly enough to donate bloods..pointed to those girls..
In another way is they could sacrifice their pain just for diet!!
because they think donate blood could reduce the fats in their blood too..haha..guy theory..

Every time i opened my computer,
automatically i will think of colloqium,
felt so lazy,procrastinating..
the topic is Stress..i do stress,experienced all the day,
but why I can't finish the assignment..
MUET test is coming,and i don't even know how to prepare myself to sit the test,
as my English is terrible..
Writing test may lead me to death,not even a speaking test..
May god bless me on that day..haha..
going to penang USM trip tomorrow,2days 1 night..

Its 1st of April,another month passed..
the day will come at last,
it's either for us fully prepare to face it or we just let it to go..
must always remind myself the future is on my hand..
focus,and aim your target..
I promised I will be normal terwei,because
I want a simple life!!!!

I think I'm not the one,
I keep on commit the mistakes,
If I stand on other people's view,
I would rate myself bad..
Bad-tempered always appear in my life..
I don't share my happiness with others,
but expressed my sorrow in an aggressive way..
felt so disappointed on myself..
totally not in condition..
sorry my friends..

Today receive individual photo taken by school,
Lol..totally look so bad!!haha..
when i compare with my friends' photo,
my head is EXTREMELY big!!!
the camera focus is so near with me..
the photo show that im so big in size..hehe..
compare with f5 photo,i more prefer form 5!!
absolutely not because of the person look oh!!haha..
form six life left half year to go>>>>>

can I don't think about it??
smile always ^.^

Today go to school for debate competition duty..
my station is smjk poi lam vs sk rapat setia..
hahaha..the result is so obvious,
that we can know which side will be the winner..
mayb its just a preliminary stage,
I can't feel the excitement of watching debate competition..
by the way,its a nice glory for poi lam!!
ride bus go back home,
I really don't have the feeling of caring my skin will become darker..haha..

Drop from the highest peak,

Everyone's blog also appear these words "EXAM OVER"..
haha,i think I don't have to rewrite it..lol..
two weeks of efforts for this 3 days exam,
I think I really can foresee my exam result ..hahaha..
first time sit exam in my new class,
quite tensed initially,especially Pengajian Am paper,
alot objective questions I have blank it..then i plan to sleep,
but when i look behind,from their expression,everyone trying their best to answer,
I feel myself embarassed if i sleep like that ..
Lol..the day before math test,I was totally stressed up,
because i had forgotten everything,
so nervous and i din study much on that night..
induce nesty lottering with me..haha..
I guess i have to find a way to release the stress..
let enjoy first..haha..

7 days left for holidays...

As exam around the corner,
we all were tensed up,except me,
I still don't know why I'm so relax,online,
din even touch the stacks of notes and books yet..
Yesterday stpm results had came out,
and as expected my senior scored 4 flat,
i wondering why this year there are so many people get 4flat compared to previous year..
Can I be the one of them??

Today morning me,wai hung and two xinyi,
try to do revision at the mcd near super kinta there..
at first we were quite surprised because the mcd had renovate,
i think me and wai hung distracted bt the tv programme,
the environment is not so good if we trying to do revision,hahhaa,
because the worker there smoke,and it is vv HOT!!!
Imagine when you are sweating while you are studying..lol..

Its had been long time that I didn't step into the clinic to check my teeth,
and today I get the opportunity,
but not me..hahaha..is chan xinyi,
lol,she was so nervous and frightened!!don't cry ya..wakakaka...
but I can see how boldly is she walk to the nurse and let the doctor take off her teeth..
eEeeww...i can imagine how pain it is..luckily isn't me..hahaha..
however I don't know my teeth severely pain now..=.=''

Back from singing at kbox jj again,
wit f2 friends..
everyone squeeze at the room..
because ker lee,krystle and julliene join us too..
didn't sing much..just shout!!haha..
so eat and drink alots just not to waste money..
hahaha..don't know why kbox will control my mood..
suddenly raise to the highest peak and drop to the lowest level..
so unstable..haha..

Why I become so unreasonable on thinking something?
Isit I not enough mature to handle it,
or slowly losing confidence on begin a decision?
By right,now i should strongly support my perspective on my future,
I cannot let my emotion beat me,
I cannot be influenced so easily by what I see,
I cannot think too much..
I so hope I will not cross the boundary again..
I will accept to be normal,
as flirt as usual?lol..
no wonder i'm so called emo king,
the life with emo king(me) is effing suffering,
I can deeply feel it,that's why i always isolated from others..
I don't want my blog as dark as sky now,
so depressed,
later everyone don't want to see my blogpost,
especially the bottom right of every post..muahahahahaha..

This two days can be consider as the most exciting day along my chinese new year,
the fifth day of CNY,i join my dear F2 friends to visit everyone's house..

hahaha,quite funny la,feel so relax everytime i go outing with f2 frens..
we do not forget our aim is to take angpow..lol..

but I still felt so guilty when we go to mr.tan sai hoi house..
we just like purposely go there to take angpow then we leave immediately after get angpow..haha,i can see how his impressions when we trying to leave as soon as possible that time..

because we had delay our plan in the early of morning,
i still remember someone wrote "Be Punctual"..bt......
then crash the plan at ipoh garden there..
average each home only take 10 to 15 mins..hehe..
we did take photo at everyone's house,except my house
I was busy bully my nephew infront of them,
"baby,suan la u,don act piggy face la" hahaha.. Self take photo..

and i knew we all lack of time,
then rush and ask my parent quickly give angpow..forget to take photo..haha.
hou reyn,wai hung,and I be the driver all the day,
buntong>first garden>menglembu>pengkalan>gunung rapat>ipoh garden area
total 13 houses if im not mistaken..tiring..

The Sixth day of CNY,
I join F1 classmates to visit teacher house.
haha,i drive my car,but suddenly don't know why everyone
drive too..
hahaha,first to mr.chua house(head of villagers)

while waiting mr.chua back home from a lunch,we play cards in car,haha..
time is gold!!wakakaka
mr.chua quite sociable,we try to blow water with him..
Next,we went to pn.tsia house..
quite cold at that time,but with yi xuan play piano,
had immediately warm the situation....LOL

Then we heading to pn.tong house,mix with usst-ian..
hahaha,puan tong house provide alot games to play..
can't take any photo with F1-ians neither USST
because I be driver to both xinyi..be "water fish"..hahaha..

After all the visitation,
We went to olivenz celebrate Aileen birthday,
so coincidence met my nephew,and he is so "LAK SEH"..wakaka..
Later,around 9pm i join usst for yum cha awhile,
at dong gu ting..
because at 10 pm i go ah sum house..
do some earn money bussiness...wakakkaa..
thanks to pei,nesty,fok and chan xinyi for letting my wallet so fat fat..haha..

And after the outing at jj later..
I shall announced my celebration for CNY will be end soon..
I should change my mode..lol..

I wish I can make the decision..
But a decision can only be made,
if I could control my EQ well..
how can i change my EQ??

Second day of CNY,
its my happiest day,during my childhood time,
I'm waiting this day all the year..
Because I will going back hometown,
meet all my cousins,
eat my auntie specially cook,fried prawn,'pig tummy' soup..
nevertheless this year i ate alot,
steamboat at noon,
drink whole bowl of pig tummy soup..
somemore drink alot tin or packet of drinks,diabetes lor..lol..
when I grow bigger,the feeling of celebrate CNY getting lesser..
even this year gamble,i lose alot money...haha..
bad sign for this year??LOL..

When i have nothing to do,
why I will look at those things??
I'm not thinking else,
just trying to make myself be comfortable with that..
I can deeply feel how nice it is..
how you put the efforts on it..

You make me smile..
Smile is always the best..

Yesterday went to sing at parade kbox with my F2-ians..
lol,quite expensive,but still worth,
because i shout until so loud for every songs,
just don care everything,
shout and express everything by sing,even my throat so pain that time..
hope I wont addicted to sing.lol..
I don't want to be popular singer ar..hahaha..

The next morning exactly 9am,
A simple football match with my old friends at stadium,
aaron chan,kee min,chee liang,wei jie,kar hao,tze jian,jun yi,kok wan,jian hua,his bro and jonathan join us too..
we were challenged by form 4 students to compete with them..
so funny when we saw them having football practice,treat this match so serious..
while our team player still haven't reach yet..lol..

after football match,
had lunch at greentown area there..
I start to shivering when i flash back the incident just now..
I order milo ice,after i drink it,wondering why there is something inside my mouth,
I still thought it is milo powder,
then i chewed it,OH YUCKS!!
taste like blood,i quickly vomit it out..
and i shocked when a housefly vomit by me..
Even i chew it,
the housefly body shape and its eyes still there after i vomit out..
disgusting..quickly change the milo to coke,
coke in tin form,impossible a housefly will inside the coke..
hope i wont stomachache er..hehehe..
then,we head to infinity play comp..
lol,blow water until very fun,'aaron s*cks'..lol..

The time passes so fast,
chinese new year approaching me for another 8 hours,
I shall wish everyone,
Happy Chinese New Year !!
Happy Valentine Day !!
for all bachelors,lets cheer together for single..haha..

I will listen and accept it..
appreciate every single moment,
thanks god that we alive every single day..
~tu me manques~

Narrow thinking,
appear in my mind again..
I'm just so scare to approach it,
and make others get into trouble..
As i know myself isn't that good..
Try many times to correct it,
still the mistakes occur everytime...
I guess I'm that selfish all the time..=.=''

Whenever you view tan ter wei blog,
he will always complain he is always that busy,run here run there for cocuricular things..
no doubt he can't change this situation even now in upper six..
4 flat in stpm??As he thinking how to plan club meetings when he is doing homework??
he will make it LIKE THAT?!!?
can't even see any of the road to success and its FEBRUARY now!!

One more week to CHINESE NEW YEAR,
i'm not sure can i enjoy this new year,because the exam is around the corner,
alot syllabus i have left out during the school holiday,
hard for me to grasp a breath..

not the picture that I took,
but i did the experiment at my house,
the egg really stand still last for few days..haha..
back to school in few more hours,go for haircut now..by mom

Last day of January,the time I should wake my blog again,
all I can say is I have survive these few weeks,
my life totally occupied by homework and cocuricular activities again,
i don't know since when i having this sickness,
when im doing homework,i will think how would my cocuricular activities carry out,
until I can't concentrate do my work..
last week I really need take a deep breathe before i step into school..
actually is I pressurize myself..

VAD 7 finally held meeting..
after meeting,we went to parade accompany those girls seek for their CNY new clothes..
lol,embarrassed when i look the tank top as pant..
don't have such deep knowledge about female dress yet..lol..
A steamboat gathering held at chan xinyi uncle house..
F1 mixed with F2..haha..
wake by my daddy around 5something,
I rush to fetch ha xinyi as i promised her 5 pm to fetch her..
my hair still so messy,and my eyes quite blur when I drive..
thanks god,I'm not lost at first garden..
all on the same day,so relax..haha..
btw,sorry to pui yun,
for making trouble when she work so hard to prepare and clean up our dishes..

I should say "NO to accumulation for homework" earlier..

once i open my eyes,
I only knew I did wrong..
feeling guilty??will it help??

Another term of S S created again,
before that,my blog layout nice ,right??
hahaha,as i decided to walk this cute road~~hahaha..don feel to vomit please..

Well,my new term SS is stress and strain..
One week just passed??
I'm still thinking only one week I have studied?
but why I feel like a period of 1 year that I had been in the class..
Yet,the situation really make me speechless,
but it doesn't mean that I have change,
why everyone keep on telling me,"ter wei ,you have changed"!!
I'm still blow water,
I'm still tease people in kidding way,
I'm still act so cool..
Isit because I try to adapt a new environment,
then you all conclude that I have changed?
the noise spread through the wall,the laugh voice transmitted around the air,
while me sit quietly at my place,will i feel better??
I really nothing to say about that...

New Year Resolutions?
Everyone is thinking about that..
haha,my aim still the same..
today suddenly a message from xinyi,then my class F2 sing K outing again,
hahaha,i sing twice a week,
but miracles happen,my sore throat gone!!..
one more day left to school,wear school uniform,
i haven pack my bag yet..
hope i will get off from holiday mood as fast as possible..

i will take the advise,
throw away the bad habits,
begin a new life...
2010!! i have plan alot things~~