A Night To Remember

When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place.

天秤座(Libra) 优雅的天平在灯红酒绿中微笑转身,顾盼神采,洒脱如同水中的鱼。他们与红酒,水晶杯,晚礼服,钢琴曲是那么的相得益彰,漫不经意的吸引着公众的眼光……
几乎所有人都有这样一种印象: 天平座的人善意、可亲,爱交朋友。于是大家也由此认为天平是群居生物,必然是害怕独处,喜欢热闹的。 但,事实并不是表面看来那样简单。 的确,天平是个和平使者。在公众场合可以很好地调节气氛使之均衡。气氛热烈时,他们会沉静的压住阵脚;气氛冷凝时,他们会运用不着痕迹的轻松幽默化解坚冰。总之他们不会随波逐流去助长气氛的冷热,而是像用天平称量物品一样,加减砝码,使之维持水平状态。 而他们在做这种加减的时候,动作是优雅的,态度是和悦的,看起来漫不经心不动声色。实际上,他们是很有心计的人,尽管众口难调,也可以找到一种万全的方式来使全局和谐起来。 但是这并不是说他们喜欢主宰,只是因为他们看不得失衡,那会使他们如坐针毡。 因此,尽管慵懒的天平座讨厌麻烦,讨厌得要命,他们还是会不由自主地担负起调节的责任。也许正因如此,使得天平在公众场合从未放松过自己。性格使他们承担了不必要的责任,无可推卸。 他们不吝惜金钱,却吝惜自由的时间和安静的休闲时光。像所有风向星座一样,他们喜欢自由,喜欢像风一样谁也捉不住他。 他们喜欢自在独立的空间。就算你是他最好的朋友,也不要老和他粘在一起,你要知道他并不喜欢如此,尽管他不会直接说出来。你也得相信,你的天平座朋友也许半年也没有音信,但是只要一见面,你还是他最好的朋友。因为他就是这种交友方式,你拿他怎么办? '我懒得……' 这是天平座的口头语。他们懒得出门,懒得聚会,懒得应酬……所以他们并不是很喜欢参加party。倒是宁愿呆在家里上网,看书,画画。他们自身是均衡的,一个人的均衡总比一群人的均衡来的容易。所以他们喜欢独处。 通常,天平座的人会给人一见如故的感觉,因为他们有着温婉的微笑和优雅的举止。对初次见面的人,天平座往往表现出自己最讨人喜欢的一面:善解人意,大方,诚恳,健谈。但是这种热情劲儿不会长久。冷漠何时到来取决于你与他交往的频率。你越是粘得紧,他就冷得越快。因为他们喜欢'君子之交清淡如水'。不是他们不喜欢同伴,而是他们和人交往更多地关注了对方的情绪,总想着照顾对方心情,不要发生冲突,所以感觉像是在工作一样,无法真正的放松。 较之对宫白羊座,天平是另一种独立的个体。白羊是一种外在的独立,内心是热的;天平则是表面看似亲和力很强,内心却是任谁也无法融入的。天平的冷静,连他们自己也觉得惊讶。'我居然如此冷漠!太不可思议了……'他们审视自己的时候,感觉有点陌生。那是因为他们把内心世界掩饰得连自己都骗过了。 他们控制情绪的能力太强了。最亲近的人会感觉到,天平给人不露声色的隔离感,有时会被埋怨'太冷静了,我都不知道你在想什么!' 可是他们不是故意要隐瞒什么,只是出于本能。一个连自己都骗过了的人,你还能要求他对你坦白什么? 他们不喜欢歇斯底里,不喜欢痛哭失声,不喜欢安慰别人也不怎么喜欢被安慰。因为他们懂得,谁也无法真正理解另一个人。 天平,其实是很独立的一个星座。他们在霓虹灯影里微笑,在灯火阑珊处寂寞。他们叫你懂得:孤独的最高境界是繁华。

haven read it yet..hahaha ^^


Went to lostworld with usst-ian..
before we enter......
our hands !!
I think all the hands above right now sure become very dark,
especially me !!
there is a region on my hand there
that can obviously differentiate the dark and fair part..
but I guess,even if I become darker,also nobody
will realise it..Is it?
Me and Xuxu injured on that day..
but not a serious wound I guess,
so funny when i enter the first aid room,
nobody incharge there,
then the person who guide me there just so nervous when he saw my wound,
then i told him calm down,
I'm a first aider..lol...

Still left half year for the form six life,
thanks to USST for enlighten my life too !!

After lost world,we went to Kon Shong for dinner..
steamboat as we didn't plan before,
I ate until my tummy so big and round in shape,
everyone looking at my tummy,I feel SHY !!hahaha..
I take 20 mins to walk around,before I drive,
so that I can digest,its really very full,couldn't speak at all..
Lol,this holiday I eat nonstop,
everyone please called me FEI LOU !!
then i will automatically go keep fit..hahaha..

the first day of my holiday to exercise,
I go jogging at pologround..
helping my friend who so big size to diet too !!wakakkaa..
feel comfortable as I sweat a lot !!
hope all the food that I eat could digest through sweat..haha..
then night go out watch football match with kee min and kok wan..
germany lose !!!
so many "cold door " match for this fifa held at south african..
like so fake..

good luck to my friends who graduate from matriculation,
and soon pursue their study at IPTA..
some are doctors,dentist,accountacy..
hope they strive hard for future as well as me..hehehe..

Yesterday visit paparich,its such a nice place,
I never expect that the building is so stylish,
the environment and atmosphere is different with typical ipoh building style..hahaha
Well,taste different food at there,especially the tuitti fruitti frozen yogurt..
taste good !! but the price "aheemm aahemm"..
having "auntie" behaviour when I choose the topping,
scare it will over budget..hahaha..
then movie with sing K today...
its seems that this two weeks really make me enjoying this holiday,
my holiday mode just started but then schooling day no longer will begin..
I forget all my aims...
before i get back to my track,
let me enjoy one more day that is tomorrow i will go to LOST WORLD with USST-ian...

OMG !! Spain lost to Switzerland??
I think this is an unexpected game,
and I believe those people who bet sure lose a lot money..

Am I good to handle everything?
I admit I feel uncomfortable when I view it,
but I'm sure everything will be fine soon,
tan ter wei so strong,won't defeat so easily.LOL

It's my first time to wear contact lens today,
It was terrible I guess !!!

My sister took some contact lens sample back from her work,
since she's promoting for focus point contact lens,
therefore I'm quite curious about that,
wondering will I look different when i put on contact lens,
suddenly "Fatt Hao" er me..
My sister demonstrate to me the way on how to wear contact lens for N times !!
but I still couldn't put it on,and let my sister scold that my eyes so small..
when I successfully wear it,I feel that wear spectacles is better,haha
so I quickly ask my sis teach me to take it off,
Its really horrible,
I have spend one and half hour to take it off !!!
the contact lens just like stick on my eyes ball,
when I use my finger press it hardly on the contact lens,
It still stick on my eyes,
feel like wanna cry on that time,lol,
because my whole left eyes become as RED as blood on that time..
keep on dripping out of water..
On that time,I suddenly remember ng yi lin told me that my sister's promoting contact lens product is good but its hard to take it off !!
My sister still told me,if I can't take it off,
I have to go Focus Point ask for their help,
I feel that "errmm,its seems so embarassed!!"
until the time I use all my energy to scratch the contact lens out,
I can feel that my eyes ball relieve,
and I quickly throw the broken contact lens,
not sure of how it break,but I just know I'm phobia of contact lens..
Am I useless??hahaha..


Well,I back from the church camp,
and hugging my lovely pillow right now..
No doubt that I'm old,
not as energetic like previous time..
No more passionate to join camp..
Actually this church camp isn't like normal physical training camp that I joined,
however I truly felt tired,just a normal obstacle game could take off my spirit,
and surrender hope I can go home as soon as possible on the first day..
This camp is really differ with the camp that I joined..
I'm not christian,and i followed groupmates to pray,
and even I learn how to pray for others,and say "LORD" "AMEN".
I only could say that everyone there having a strong belief in GOD..
the speaker told us to pray whenever you face problem or need something,
and must be specific..
perhaps,I'm not christian,that's why I feel I'm abit strange and weird among them.
(doesn't mean to offend other religion ya !!)

Indeed the camp activities quite good and challenging,
that is night trekking and stream trotting,
I have been told to guide an aunty called aunty placida along the night hike and stream trotting..
My shoe is so slippery,always fall down
but then I still pretend infront of the aunty,that I'm strong and fine,ask her to be careful !!
wakakaka..make her think that I'm the right person to protect her..and my mission completed..
she appreciate me much!!( I guess lar)haha..
The things I'm not satisfied is my SHOE!!
other campers bought the disposable shoe earlier before the camp,
whereas me,xinyi and waihung don't even know it..
therefore we wear our sport shoe play games,climb hill,walk on the river..
the shoes are wet everytime finish the activities,
We don't have enough time to dry our shoe,then we need wear it for another programmes,
of course I admit that my shoe is SMELLY and DISGUSTING !!

Instead,I prefer the stream trotting !!
we have walk quite a long journey to reach the hill,
then we climb up,and walk on the river,
honestly its quite dangerous,especially for girls,
the stones are wet and easily to fall down whenever someone step on it..
and I have experienced it when I step on the stone full of algae,
Its worth that all the pain gained with our joy..

There is an incident makes me astonished and stunned at instant,
It happened just infront of my eyes..
I blame myself for not agile enough to hold it tightly..
and my feeling really indescribable..
I will not let it be my nightmare because I will make sure its still be with me all the time..

SUFES campsite

From the day I want to leave the camp until I enjoy this camp,
our life is to be like that,we might encounter problem initially,
but if we could spend the time to think what's the problem,
and solve it out,then everything will be fine,
Am I really understand this statement?

I'm trying.........

Going camp tomorrow..
Have been a long time that I didn't join camp,
still remember last time I train myself until very fit before i join any camp,
but then now all my muscle "lam pek pek " jor..haha..
not sure what activities of the camp,
I think is church camp..